Banco Sofisa has continually enhanced its social and environmental criteria for lending in the SME segment, based on the guidelines established by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), an arm of the World Bank, by the Dutch development bank Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij Vorr Ontwikkelingsladen N.V (FMO), and by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

Given the interest in improving their practices for Environmental Responsibility, in July 2009 the Bank has adhered to the terms of the Protocolo Verde (Green Protocol) – FEBRABAN which supports and encourages the implementation of these best practices by the banking industry, fostering among its signatories participation in building solutions to the environmental challenges of the XXI century.

On the social front, in 2016, Banco Sofisa contributes to Centro Educacional Assistencial Profissionalizante – CEAP – das Obras Sociais Universtiárias e Culturais; as well as supported the welfare and asylum works of the Casa do Povo de Deus Padre Gregório Westrupp; charities of the hospital ward and the intensive care unit of the Association of Friends of the Medical Clinic of UNIFESP-EPM.

We emphasize also that Sofisa promoted in June 2014 for the employees the training for environmental risk assessment, performed in company, by Celta Capital Sustentável.

Banco Sofisa practices, motivates, and values socio-environmental responsibility in order to align its corporate objectives with the interests of the community within which it operates. To make this possible, Sofisa operates its business in a serious manner, with absolute respect for its commitments; operates within the limits of legislation and the external and internal rules applicable to its activities; ensures respect for its Code of Ethics, ensuring correct updating practices according to the changes undergone by the company; always considers the country’s and the community’s larger interests by adopting rules, measures, activities, and programs compatible with its social concerns and with the world’s best sustainable and corporate governance practices; supports efforts aimed at ecosystem preservation and optimization in the use of resources, especially for non-renewable resources and promotes educational, athletic, and social work activities.